About The Authors

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This is a project these two brothers started out of their desire to share with others their experience and joy with keeping snakes. Jeremiah and Simon are both attending college, and had previously been homeschooled. They are both members of West Side Home Educators (WSHE) and Simon is also a member of the local reptile organization, Arizona Herpetological Association.



Simon is the expert on snakes in this family. He is the one who put his knowledge of snake on paper (or on website, or whatever). Jeremiah is the one who designed and coded the website. He also did the editing on what Simon wrote.

striped snakeSpeckled Kingsnake


First of all we want to thank God for all His help and support. In addition, we want to thank our mom, Ingrid, for helping us edit all this text. We would also like to thank Roger, lead keeper of the Arizona Trail at the Phoenix Zoo, for sharing and helping Simon with his expertise on snakes.

URL: https://simonsnakesite.tripod.com/abouttheauthors.html